Re: PATCH - ext2fs privacy (i.e. secure deletion) patch
From: Hans Reiser
Date: Sat Feb 07 2004 - 00:41:42 EST
There is an extensive literature on how you can recover deleted files
from media that has been erased a dozen times, but breaking encryption
is harder. It is more secure to not put the data on disk unencrypted at
all is my point.....
the grugq wrote:
Well, I think secure deletion should be an option for everyone. Using
encryption is a data hiding technique, you prevent people for
detemining what sort of data is being stored there. Now, admittedly I
dont know at what level the reiser4 encryption appears, but I would
think its safer to have complete erasure when a file deleted
regardless of how well protected its contents were.
just a thought.
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