Re: fh_verify: no root_squashed access hundreds of times a second again
From: Helge Hafting
Date: Sat Feb 14 2004 - 10:51:27 EST
On Fri, Feb 13, 2004 at 09:18:32AM -0800, Andrew Gray wrote:
> I'm not subscribed to the linux-kernel list, I would appreciate a CC on
> any replies, but I will be watching the list as well. I'm reposting
> this message in the hope someone will answer - neither I nor the mailing
> list got any replies last time.
> I am using kernel 2.4.24 on a heavily-used NFS server. I am receiving
> hundreds of messages like:
> "kernel: fh_verify: no root_squashed access at sessions/lastsession."
> in my messages log, usually accompanied by a "last message repeated 6497
> times" a minute or so later. I'm gathering it is just reporting it is
> denying root access to a share, which is fine and exactly what I asked
> for. Is there anyway to shut this logging off without just wiping the
> line from fs/nfsd/nfsfh.c?
How about tracking down whoever is trying to do all these illegal
accesses and stop them? 6000 attempts per minute seems a
waste of resources, whether malicious or ill-configured.
Helge Hafting
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