Re: Linux 2.6.3-rc3
From: Benjamin Herrenschmidt
Date: Sun Feb 15 2004 - 05:28:58 EST
> > It doesn't seem to work on my x86 laptop. The screen goes black when
> > the framebuffer is enabled early in the boot sequence. The machine
> > boots normally anyway and I can log in from the network or log in
> > blindly at the console. I can then start the X server which appears to
> > work correctly, but switching back to a console still gives me a black
> > screen. Running "setfont" doesn't fix it. Here is what dmesg reports
> > when running 2.6.3-rc3:
> Did it ever work ? (I need to know if it's a regression or some problem
> that was already there in the first place). (Hrm... looking at the end
> of your mail, it indeed seem to be a regression with this version)
BTW. This is the reason I left the "old" driver in, you can still
build it if the new ones goes wrong.
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