Re: dm-crypt using kthread (was: Oopsing cryptoapi (or loopdevice?) on 2.6.*)
From: Christophe Saout
Date: Sun Feb 15 2004 - 22:05:07 EST
Am Mo, den 16.02.2004 schrieb Grzegorz Kulewski um 03:07:
> > Is there more documentation that this? I'd imagine a lot of crypto-loop
> > users wouldn't have a clue how to get started on dm-crypt, especially if
> > they have not used device mapper before.
> >
> > And how do they migrate existing encrypted filesytems?
> And is the format considered "stable"?
> (= if I will create fs on it, will I have problems with future kernels?)
Yes. The cryptoloop compatible format will stay this way. The format
(basically the cipher used and the iv generation mode) can be specified.
I posted a small description some time ago:
The -cbc was renamed to -plain in order to make more iv generation
methods possible which of course also use the CBC mode.
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