Re: UTF-8 practically vs. theoretically in the VFS API (was: Re:JFS default behavior)

From: Dave Kleikamp
Date: Tue Feb 17 2004 - 09:15:01 EST

On Mon, 2004-02-16 at 14:58, Marc Lehmann wrote:

> True. Thanks a lot for explaining your arguments in this detail. In
> fact, I can accept most if not all of your arguments, but I sitll think
> it would be nice to have this extra functionality.
> Arguments like "it's a pain to implement" (which I don't think it is, but
> you are clearly better in judging that!), weigh even more to me.
> So even if I think it's a good idea, it might never be implemneted for
> purely practical reasons.

Use jfs with the mount option iocharset=utf8 and you'll get exactly what
you are asking for.

David Kleikamp
IBM Linux Technology Center

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