> now that Intel has finally come clean about their x86-64 implementation
> (see
> > http://www.intel.com/technology/64bitextensions/index.htm?iid=techtrends+spotlight_64bit
> > for full details), can somebody write up a list of differences? I know
> there are people who have had access to the Intel docs for a while now,
> and obviously Intel is too frigging proud to list the differences
> explicitly.
From what I can see from these docs, Intel's "IA-32e" is very very closeto the natural combination of P4 with AMD64. No hyperlink stuff, but
otherwise the same. The local APIC and performance counters should be
exactly as in P4 :-)
What about naming? IA-64 is taken, AMD64 is too specific, Intel's
"IA-32e" sounds too vague, and I find x86-64 / x86_64 difficult to type.
"x64" perhaps?