{ Linux not only practical, but an ideal. } Re: [PATCH 2.4.24] FixGDT limit in setup.S

From: Coywolf Qi Hunt
Date: Thu Feb 19 2004 - 03:41:36 EST

Coywolf Qi Hunt wrote:

Richard B. Johnson wrote:

On Tue, 17 Feb 2004, Coywolf Qi Hunt wrote:

Hello 2.4.xx hackers,

In setup.S, i feel like that the gdt limit 0x8000 is not proper and it
should be 0x800. How came 0x800 into 0x8000 in 2.4.xx code? Is there a
story? It shouldn't be a careless typo. 256 gdt entries should be
enough and since it's boot gdt, 256 is ok even if the code is run on SMP
with 64 cpus.

The first element has nothing to do with the number of GDT entries.
It represents the LIMIT. Because the granularity bit is
set meaning 4 kilobyte pages and 0x8000 * 0x1000 = 0x8000000
| |
| |_______ Page size
|______________ GDT value
This is the size of address space that is unity-mapped for boot.

The granularity is also not the number of GDT entries. It
represents the length for which the GDT definition applies.

Because this GDT is used only for booting, somebody decided that
there would never be any boot code beyond 2 GB so there was no
reason to make room for it. If you change the number to 0x0800,
you are declaring that neither the boot code nor any RAM-disk
combination will ever exceed 0x800 * 0x1000 = 0x800000 bytes.
Therefore you broke my imbedded system. Do not do this.

At least the comment doesn't match the code. Either fix the code or fix
the comment. We really needn't so many GDT entries. Let's use the intel
segmentation in a most limited way. Below follows a patch fixing the code.

I don't have the latest 2.4.24, but setup.S isn't changed from 2.4.23 to

Regards, Coywolf

Thank you for you kindly reply, though I really don not agree with you.
But thanks very much, since you are the only one replying me. I CCed to
all the 2.0 2.2 2.4 maintainers.

Hello Richard B. Johnson,

I've just find out where the problem lying in your answer, that you are
not talking the same thing as i am. You are talking about the descriptor on which you are quite correct, while I am talking about GDTR, similar to selector, but not selector, could be called `selector' in GDTR. Two different things.

To All Hackers,

plz take my patch to make our kernel more perfect. Linux should be not only practical, but an ideal. And i have more such patches to send.


Coywolf Qi Hunt
Admin of http://GreatCN.org and http://LoveCN.org

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