Re: reaim - 2.6.3-mm1 IO performance down.
From: Cliff White
Date: Wed Feb 25 2004 - 16:03:23 EST
> Cliff White <cliffw@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > > Thanks. You could try reverting adaptive-lazy-readahead.patch. If it i
> s
> > > not that I'd be suspecting CPU scheduler changes. Do you have uniproces
> sor
> > > test results?
> >
> > I have them for 2.6.3-mm3, am re-running 2.6.3-mm1 right now.
> > Gross results are within 1%, but looking at the detail, i do see badness,
> OK, I'll do the bsearch. Again. Could you please tell me what would be an
> appropriate reaim command line with which to reproduce this?
We use the 'workfile.new_fserver' for this load. Comes in the kit.
This test does IO, so you'll need to list some directories and a filepool
in a text file. Ours looks like this:
DISKDIR /mnt/disk1
DISKDIR /mnt/disk2
DISKDIR /mnt/disk3
DISKDIR /mnt/disk4
If you want the shortest possible run, shrink POOLSIZE and
go with the defaults:
reaim -fworkfile.new_fserver -l./stp.config
That will run 1->5 users, should be < 1 egg timer in duration
on modern iron. I dunno if that'll be a useful data point.
To replicate at a specific number of users, pick a number
( example: 20 )
, and use this:
reaim -s20 -e20 -fworkfile.new_fserver -l./stp.config
That will do one pass at 20 users. Should be quick, maybe 2-4
egg timers, and will give you one of the data points I reported.
If you have more time, this runs range 20->80 with a 10 user increment:
reaim -s20 -e80 -i10 -t -fworkfile.new_fserver -l./stp.config
( the -t turns off the AIM7 adaptive increment )
The STP runs are very long. Many egg-timers.
We invoke them like this, where NCPU is the number of CPUS we have:
The 'quick convergence run' ( repeats three times )
reaim -s$NCPU -q -t -i$NCPU -fworkfile.new_fserver -r3 -b -l./stp.config
This is the 'maximum' longest run
reaim -s$NCPU -s -t -i$NCPU -fworkfile.new_fserver -r3 -b -l./stp.config
If you want those, quicker to request via STP/PLM -
> -
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