On Tue, Feb 24, 2004 at 09:49:33AM +0100, Helmut Auer wrote:Looks like I cannot investigate any longer in this problem. The onboard PS/2 connector doesn't seem to work anymore on this machine :-(
I am using an Intel810 MoBo with an infrared module/keyboard connected toSorry for being impatient, but isn't here anyone who can give me a hint, or is this the wrong place for this problem ?
an onboard PS/2 connector.
With a 2.4.x kernel I get the message:
No AT keyboard found
but the keyboard works fine.
With a 2.6.2 kernel, I don't get this message, but the keyboard does not
work !!!
Any hints what I can try ? If I connect an USB keyboard, this will work, and also if I connect a "normal" PS/2 keyboard to that PS/2 pins.
Did you get precisely this message: "No AT keyboard found" ?
Who prints this message? (BIOS, bootloader, kernel? Which bootloader? Which kernel?)