KERNEL 2.6.3 and MAXTOR 160 GB
From: Carlo Orecchia
Date: Sun Mar 07 2004 - 09:56:21 EST
I'm running redhat 9 on an XP 1800 and a ASUS A7A266. I recently buy a new
HD a maxtor Diamond Plus 160 with 8 mega cache. The fact is that the kernel that comes
with REDHAT (2.4.20-8) shows the entire size of the disk (163.7 gb) but
the kernel 2.6.1 or 2.6.3 does not. It only shows 137 gb. I'm getting
crazy trying to understand why this is happening! Please let
me know if theres a patch to fix this. I really found amazing the 2.6
kernel and i don't want to come back to use the 2.4!
What can i do?
p.s. let know if you need more info about my system
Carlo Orecchia
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