Re: Recent Reaim results
From: Andrew Morton
Date: Mon Mar 08 2004 - 17:40:51 EST
cliff white <cliffw@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Test results from the OSDL reaim test.
> The -mm kernels now appear to be scaling a bit nice.
> I dunno why, but the 8-ways like -mm2 :)
I think your'e playing with my mind.
> The is the 'database' load, a mixture of IO and CPU activity.
What about file server load?
> 4-CPU ( all AS )
> linux-2.6.3 5313.36 0.0
> 2.6.4-rc1 5218.87 -1.78
> 2.6.4-rc1-mm2 5391.00 1.46
I spent a boring evening with the file server load on 4-way x86 with six
disks. If I squinted at it hard enough I was able to discern a 1% slowdown
due to O_DIRECT-vs-buffered-fix.patch, but it was pretty thin.
I didn't test the database load.
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