Re: APM & device_power_up/down
From: Michael Schierl
Date: Tue Mar 09 2004 - 14:55:48 EST
Antony Dovgal schrieb:
> On Sat, 06 Mar 2004 23:44:08 +0100
> Michael Schierl <schierlm-usenet@xxxxxx> wrote:
> > Hmm. Can you try unapplying it and applying the one in
> >
> > instead? Does it work for you as well as with no patch?
> Yes, it works ok for me with this patch.
Are you using any modules or patches that are not in the main line
Does your problem also occur when you build a "minimal" kernel (i.e.
remove all things from it you don't really need for booting up, e.g.
local apic, pcmcia, network support, framebuffer, mouse)?
can you boot with init=/bin/bash (or another shell) and then do
mount /proc
apm -s
does suspending work there? (this all against a "vanilla" kernel).
The thing above was just a guess, the only difference between the 2
patches i know is that the patch which is in kernel also informs all
device drivers. So i guess there must be a "broken" device driver that
makes your supend come to a halt.
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