Re: unionfs
From: Jörn Engel
Date: Mon Mar 15 2004 - 08:17:46 EST
On Mon, 15 March 2004 20:47:05 +0800, Ian Kent wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Mar 2004, [iso-8859-1] Jörn Engel wrote:
> >
> > You could also have some sort of 'hidden symlink', i.e. something that
> > behaves just like a file but is in fact a link to some other
> > filesystem. If that other filesystem is not accessable, all
> > operations return -EIO.
> Sounds a bit untidy.
If you have a cleaner idea, I'm open for suggestions.
> Has anyone checked
> What do you think?
Looks like an abstraction layer that still assumes a 1:1 mapping
between filesystems and devices, so it doesn't help. Did I miss
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