Scheduler: Process priority fed back to parent?

From: Timothy Miller
Date: Tue Mar 16 2004 - 10:06:33 EST

Something occurred to me, so it has probably occurred to others as well. :)

Anyhow, the idea that I had was to feed information about a process's behavior (interactive/not) to the process's parent (and it's parent, etc). The next time the parent forks, that information is used to initially estimate the priority of the forked process.

This isn't perfect, but it would help distinguish between a user shell where compiles are being done and a user shell (say, Gnome) from which interactive processes are being launched. Each process maintains a number which indicates the trends seen in the interactivity of its descendents.

Another idea I had, but which I think I've seen discussed before, was to cache information about individual executables. Every time a process terminates (and/or periodically), the behavior of that process is fed to a daemon which stores it on disk (on a periodic basis) in such a way that the kernel can efficiently get at it. When the kernel launches a process, it looks at the cache for interactivity history to estimate initial priority.

This way, after gcc has run a few times, it'll be flagged as a CPU-bound process and every time it's run after that point, it is always run at an appropriate priority. Similarly, the first time xmms is run, its interactivity estimate won't be right, but after it's determined to be interactive, then the next time the program is launched, it STARTS with an appropriate priority: no ramp-up time.

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