File change notification (enhanced dnotify)

From: Rüdiger Klaehn
Date: Sun Mar 21 2004 - 20:37:01 EST

Hi everybody,

I am working on a mechanism to let programs watch for file system changes in large directory trees or on the whole system. Since my last post in january I have been trying various approaches.

The current dnotify mechanism is very limited since it is not working for whole directory trees and it does not report much useful information. For example to watch for changes in the /home tree you would have to open every single directory in the tree, which would probably not even work since it would require more than the maximum number of file handles. If you have a directory with many files in it, the only thing dnotify tells you is that something has changed in the directory, so you have to rescan the whole directory to find out which file has changed. Kind of defeats the purpose of change notification...

My current approach is compatible with the existing dnotify mechanism, but extends it to work recursively and makes it possible to find out what exactly has happened in the directory. It works on the dcache level, so unlike my first approach it does not require unique inode numbers to uniquely identify a file.

It works like this: When a program wants to watch for changes for a directory or file, it does an ioctl like in the original dnotify mechanism. But there are some additional flags for the ioctl:

DN_RECURSIVE means that all subdirectories of the watched directory will be watched. A limitation is that this does not work over mount boundaries, so if you want to watch for changes on the whole system you will have to watch each mount point.

DN_EXTENDED means that extended information for the type of change is gathered. The information you get depends on the kind of change that happened. For example for a read access you get information about the file that has changed and the offset and size of the changed region.

As in the original dnotify mechanism, whenever one of the watched files changes the userspace program gets a signal. The program can then do another ioctl to find out what exactly has happened. The information passed to the userspace program is in a very compact form, but the program can reconstruct the path of the file and other interesting information. See the userspace program for how this works.

Programs that could benefit very much from this mechanism would be the fam daemon, KDE/gnome, various security tools etc. I am using KDE, and it is using the original dnotify mechanism quite extensively. When I start KDE it calls the original dnotify ioctl for *256* different directories! With the new extension it would be enough to watch three or four directories recursively.

A few remarks about the code:

This is experimental code. There might be some nasty deadlocks or race conditions.

Just like the original dnotify mechanism, this does not work with hard links.

For development, I divided the mechanism into a stub that has to be compiled into the kernel and a module that contains the bulk of the mechanism. That way I can try new things without rebooting every five minutes. This separation will no longer be nessecary when the mechanism is stable.

If somebody is interested, I will explain how exactly it works. The most important code is in the module, especially postevent and consumeevent. postevent traverses the dentry tree upwards until it finds everybody who is interested in an event. consumeevent adds the event to the buffers of all interested parties.

The module can be compiled in a separate directory. It has a tiny make script called "make".

The userspace program can be compiled using
"g++ -o dnotify dnotify.cpp"

patch against 2.6.3 for the stub:

source for the module:

userspace program (c++) for testing:

I would like to have feedback on the general approach before I spend more time refining this.

best regards,

Rüdiger Klaehn
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