Re: [PATCH] mask ADT: new mask.h file [2/22]
From: Matthew Dobson
Date: Wed Mar 31 2004 - 20:14:50 EST
On Wed, 2004-03-31 at 16:58, Paul Jackson wrote:
> Question:
> Matthew, Bill, Andrew, anyone - how should I present the next version of
> this set of 22 give or take patches in this set? Another new set of 22
> lkml posts; one reply or 22 replies to the some post on the existing
> threads; tarballs; web site URL; ... The possibilities are varied.
> My inclination would be just as I did it the first time - some 22
> rapid fire separate posts. But I'm game for considering alternatives.
I'd prefer (especially since I'm on the CC line ;) that you send out the
[0/22] mail, and send all the rest of the mails (the actual patches) as
replies to that first mail. That way, at least all of the emails are in
the same thread and can easily be collapsed/expanded. I know when I
checked my mail monday morning and there were all those individual
mails, I thought I'd broken something and people were out for my blood!
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