Re: ANN: cmpci 6.67 released

From: Andrew Morton
Date: Thu Apr 01 2004 - 01:52:59 EST

C.L. Tien - _________ <cltien@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I made serveral changes for 6.64, the change are as following:

To what kernel do these patches apply? Certainly not current 2.6.

If you intend to raise 2.6 patches, please ensure that they are against the
latest kernel. And please ensure that the patches are in `patch
-p1' form. The headers should look like:

--- a/sound/oss/cmpci.c 22 Mar 2004 17:07:02 -0000 6.64
+++ a/sound/oss/cmpci.c 29 Mar 2004 22:58:49 -0000 6.65

Also, a single patch per email is preferred.

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