On Wed, 31 Mar 2004, Jeff Garzik wrote:
Andries Brouwer wrote:
Hmm. I read in my copy of ATA7:
6.16.55 Words (103:100): Maximum user LBA for 48-bit Address feature set
Words (103:100) contain a value that is one greater than the maximum LBA
in user accessable space when the 48-bit Addressing feature set is supported.
The maximum value that shall be placed in this field is 0000FFFFFFFFFFFFh.
Support of these words is mandatory if the 48-bit Address feature set is supported.
Do you read differently?
The errata is, one needs to check that field for zero, and use the other
one if so...
Which is not sufficient for `my' drives, since I get disk errors if I just use
the other capacity field and don't disable LBA48 completely.
I'll check the ATA specs myself, if I find some time...