Re: disable-cap-mlock
From: Marc-Christian Petersen
Date: Thu Apr 01 2004 - 17:45:37 EST
On Friday 02 April 2004 00:36, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
Hey Andrea,
> > Could you please refresh-n-send the RLIMIT_MEMLOCK patch?
> I asked it to Rik too but he redirected me at some rpm, but luckily
> Marc-Christian extracted it and he posted it on l-k some week ago, so
> you can just check l-k (From: Marc-Christian) and you'll find it. It's
> against 2.4 however. Problem is that it's absolutely useless for the
> problem I had to solve, or I would be using it already instead.
hehe. Well. I have this flying around on my hard disk.
root@codeman:[/usr/src/patches/distribution] # du -skh .
1702M .
almost every interesting distribution kernels are located there in extracted
form :)
It's actually this one:
(won't post the patch again to save lkml space ;)
ciao, Marc
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