Re: alsamixer muting when restoring from suspend.
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Fri Apr 02 2004 - 16:37:44 EST
> > This I think is not a problem but rather a subtle bug.
> >
> > Alsamixer by default mutes all channels when loaded.
> > So when I `swsusp' my comp while I listen to music and restore the music
> > plays from where it left alright, but the channels are muted.
> > Is there a way to unmute them implicitly when restoring.
> which driver?
> not all drivers have suspend/resume callbacks.
Could it be solved at higher layer, perhaps? Setting volume is common
to all drivers, and some kind of generic_alsa_suspend every alsa
driver would call might help...
PS: I know very little about alsa.
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