Re: [RFC|PATCH][2.6] Additional i2c adapter flags for i2c clientisolation

From: Michael Hunold
Date: Sat Apr 03 2004 - 08:22:49 EST

Hello Jean,

On 03/30/04 21:34, Jean Delvare wrote:
First of all I was surprised that "struct i2c_adapter" already contained a "flags" field. It doesn't seem to be used anywhere, though -- please correct me if I'm wrong.

You seem to be correct. It looks like the flags member was added to all
i2c structures, but for adapters it was left unused.


I added one flag named "I2C_ADAP_FLAG_CLASS_MATCH" which adapters can set if they want the type of the i2c driver match the type of the i2c adapter.

Why would an adapter want to accept non-matching clients once we will have
added a clean isolation method?

My goal was to keep all non-dvb i2c clients away from my dvb i2c adapters.

Because the "probe every device on every bus" policy is currently used,
I didn't want to touch every i2c driver and break things.

At both places, the flags field is checked against the newly introduced flags I2C_ADAP_FLAG_CLASS_MATCH. If this flag is set and the adapter class and the driver class don't match, the driver is not probed on the bus.

My initial approach was different. I wouldn't have introduced a new
flag. Instead I would have defined a "neutral" class I2C_ADAP_CLASS_ANY
0xFFFF, suitable for chips that can belong to any bus (such as
eeprom.c). This same value could be used for busses that don't care
about which chips are connected to it (i2c-parport comes to mind). No
flag needed.

Finding whether a chip and an adapter match is as easy as checking if
((chip->class & adapter->class) != 0).

Yes, agreed.

All "old" drivers don't have this flag set, so everything works just like before this change.

This is where your approach looks slightly better than mine. With my
method, backward compatibility isn't provided. However, fixing existing
drivers would be rather easy, and I share Greg KH's view that drivers
living outside the kernel tree get the pain they deserve.

8-) If this is the way to go, I totally agree, even if that means that
some drivers will fail to work in the beginning.

My main point is that if we start defining classes for both chips and
adapters and go on using them, we better consider it a policy and do it
consistently, or it will probably look confusing to newcomers.


Now it's only possible to load these 5 i2c drivers against the MXB saa7146 i2c bus -- all other i2c drivers don't get the chance to probe, which is exactly what I wanted.

I guess you mean "against busses of class I2C_ADAP_CLASS_TV_ANALOG,
amongst which is the MXB saa7146 bus"? Or I just lost you.

Yes, sorry. If other drivers are in the I2C_ADAP_CLASS_TV_ANALOG class, they will be probed, too.

Hm, perhaps we should add another method where an adapter can specify the I2C_DRIVERID_*s from the clients it's expecting. The rationale behind this is, that most PCI cards can be identified uniquely by their vendor/subvendor ids, so the driver author definately knows which i2c clients are on the card and what are expected to be present. No need to probe every i2c client.

What do you think?

- Should the I2C_ADAP_CLASS_* be renamed to I2C_CLASS_*, so they can be used by both i2c adapters and i2c drivers?

I would say yes, but I'm not the authority.

If we agree that this change should be done, this sound reasonable to me.

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