Re: anon-vma (and now filebacked-mappings too) mprotect vma merging [Re: 2.6.5-rc2-aa vma merging]
From: Hugh Dickins
Date: Sat Apr 03 2004 - 12:09:18 EST
On Sat, 3 Apr 2004, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 02, 2004 at 12:34:29PM +0100, Hugh Dickins wrote:
> > Sorry to be boring, Andrea, but 2.6.5-rc3-aa2 is now out, and you
> > have still not fixed the vma merging issue: I don't believe you can.
> here we go with the mprotect merging, try this on top of 2.6.5-rc3-aa2.
Thank you! It works. You've surprised me again. Forgive me.
It's a bit erratic, test program below you'd expect to end up with one
vma of 4 pages at 0x80000000, whereas it ends up with one of 1 and one
of 3 (where mainline ends up with two of 2); but that's just an
implementation detail which obviously can be smoothed away later.
Presumably it should be looking to merge, or propagating anon_vma
to/from adjacent vma, somewhere else too.
It does look more complicated than I'd hoped, a lot of that coming from
the file-backed merging: which I like, but, we could have done it at
any point over the last couple of years if someone had a need for it.
Fair enough, you've discovered a need, at the same time that you have
to attend to vm_pgoff for anons, so it makes sense to do them together.
Do you realize that you could allocate just a single anon_vma to
the mm at fork time, for all the pure anon vmas created in it later?
And then no need for propagating anon_vma from adjacent vma, they'd
all have the right one already and be mergeable anyway. But I think
you'll reject that on two grounds: you want to merge the file-backed
vmas as much as is reasonable, so you need the code anyway for them;
and you'd prefer your anon_vma lists to be as short as possible, to
minimize searching at page_referenced/try_to_unmap time.
Clearly there's a tension between keeping the anon_vma lists short,
and leaving the vmas mergable: it's natural that we should differ on
where to strike that balance, having come to it from opposite ends.
I still prefer my simpler anonmm solution (will post the prio tree
patch on top of it later this evening), but I don't see any good
reason now to oppose your anon_vma solution. Let others decide.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#define PAGE_SIZE 4096
#define MAP_AREA ((void *) 0x80000000)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
unsigned long pageno = 0;
unsigned long *ptr;
char buf[40];
if (ptr == MAP_FAILED)
if (ptr == MAP_FAILED)
ptr = MAP_AREA;
while (pageno < 4) {
if (mprotect(ptr, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE) == -1)
*ptr = pageno++;
if (mprotect(ptr, PAGE_SIZE, PROT_READ) == -1)
ptr += PAGE_SIZE / sizeof(unsigned long);
sprintf(buf, "cat /proc/%d/maps", getpid());
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