Re: kernel stack challenge
From: Sergiy Lozovsky
Date: Sun Apr 04 2004 - 13:29:03 EST
Thanks, Andi. That can be the case. Bad thing is that
stack size is hardcoded all over the kernel.
I wonder how it is possible to access task struct
having current stack pointer. %esp points at the
middle of the stack (when we are in the kernel) when
interrupt occures.
--- Andi Kleen <ak@xxxxxx> wrote:
> Sergiy Lozovsky <serge_lozovsky@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > This function doesn't work in the kernel (system
> hungs
> > instantly when my function is called). Does
> antbody
> > have any idea what the reason can be? Some special
> > alignment? Special memory segment? In what
> direction
> > should I look?
> The kernel puts some data about the current task at
> the bottom
> of the stack and accesses that by referencing the
> stack pointer
> in "current". This is even used by interrupts.
> -Andi
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