fat32 all upper-case filename problem
From: James Vega
Date: Sun Apr 04 2004 - 17:54:31 EST
I've run across an interesting problem with creating all upper-case
files/direcotries on fat32 partitions. After creating a file in all upper-case,
I can access it for a short time using either the all upper-case name or the all
lower-case name. After a short amount of time (or a umount/mount), I can only
access the file via the all lower-case name. I'm currently using kernel 2.6.4,
but I've been seeing this since at least November of last year.
I've talked to a few people to see if anyone else can reproduce this and so far,
I'm the only one that has been able to (save for the person that reported this
bug http://bugs.xiph.org/show_bug.cgi?id=413). Please CC any replies to me as I
am not subscribed to the list.
James Vega
debil% touch /usbdrive/CASE
debil% ls /usbdrive
debil% ls /usbdrive/CASE
debil% ls /usbdrive/case
debil% umount /usbdrive && mount /usbdrive
debil% ls /usbdrive/case
debil% ls /usbdrive/CASE
ls: /usbdrive/CASE: No such file or directory
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