Re: 3com issues in 2.6.5

From: Hugo Mills
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 10:29:40 EST

On Mon, Apr 05, 2004 at 05:08:16PM +0200, Carlos Fernandez Sanz wrote:
> > > module with both interfaces up, but obviously as soon as I do that they
> > > dissapear - I assume this is the intended 2.6 behaviour).
> >
> > Let me ask you, are you noticing slowness sending or receiving? I'm
> having
> Yes, this is why I started to look at the problem.
> (slow as in 100 kb/s in a 100 Mbit/s LAN).

I'm reasonably certain that there's something wrong somewhere with
the 2.6 network subsystem. I've been getting _very_ slow network
performance with a PCI natsemi card -- characterised by repeated
netdev watchdog timeouts under any load heavier than an ssh terminal


=== Hugo Mills: hugo@... | | ===
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