Re: kernel stack challenge
From: John Stoffel
Date: Mon Apr 05 2004 - 15:12:10 EST
>>>>> "Sergiy" == Sergiy Lozovsky <serge_lozovsky@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
Sergiy> Basically there are two reasons.
Sergiy> 1. Give system administrator possibility to change security
Sergiy> policy easy enough without C programminig inside the kernel
Sergiy> (we should not expect system administartor to be a kernel
Sergiy> guru). Language of higher lavel make code more compact (C - is
Sergiy> too low level, that's why people use PERL for example or
Sergiy> LISP). Lisp was chosen because of very compact VM - around
Sergiy> 100K.
Why in god's name does this need to be in the kernel? This is purely
a userspace issue, and the tool for managing the security policy
should be completely in userspace.
Under this design, /bin/ls would be a kernel module, and not a
userspace tool!
If you ever want to even think about getting this project into the
kernel, you'll have to re-design what you're doing here, since there's
absolutely no need for anything like this in the kernel.
Sergiy> 2. Protect system from bugs in security policy created by
Sergiy> system administrator (user).
C'mon, GIGO will kill you from user space or from kernel space. What
makes you think LISP will protect you?
Sergiy> LISP interpreter is a LISP Virtual Machine (as Java VM). So
Sergiy> all bugs are incapsulated and don't affect kernel.
Then *WHY* does the LISP interpreter need to be in the kernel in the
first place? Hint, you just said you wanted to protect the kernel...
Sergiy> Even severe bugs in this LISP kernel module can cause
Sergiy> termination of user space application only (except of stack
Sergiy> overflow - which I can address). LISP error message will be
Sergiy> printed in the kernel log.
Hah! You just gave the number one reason why you don't want or need a
LISP interpreter in the kernel yourself.
John Stoffel - Senior Unix Systems Administrator - Lucent Technologies
stoffel@xxxxxxxxxx - - 978-952-7548
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