Re: High CPU temp on Athlon MP w/ recent 2.6 kernels
From: Gene Heskett
Date: Tue Apr 06 2004 - 15:28:56 EST
On Tuesday 06 April 2004 15:36, Joerg Sommrey wrote:
>some similar problems have already been reported. However, this
> looks a bit different. With a large number of recent kernels (2.6.4
> and 2.6.5, mm-series and rc-series) the temperature of my CPUs is
> *much* higher than with 2.6.3-mm4 (and previous). My board is a
> Tyan Tiger MPX with 2x Athlon 2000+ MP. The temperature is about
> 38-45 Celsius (on low load) with 2.6.3-mm4. Later kernels show
> 48-55 Celsius. I'm using amd76x_pm for power-saving (both
> linux-2.6-amd76x_pm-20031109.patch and patch-2.6.4-amd76x_pm). At
> the moment this is not a big problem as 2.6.3-mm4 works perfect for
> me. However, there might be future changes that make me wanting a
> newer kernel...
>I did some tests with nmi_watchdog and the proprietary Nvidia
> graphics driver and didn't find any impact. There's no significant
> difference using no nmi_watchdog, nmi_watchdog=1 (only 2.6.3-mm4)
> or
>nmi_watchdog=2. I also did some tests without an X server running:
>temperatures go down to the lower end but the difference of 10
> Kelvin between 2.6.3-mm4 and 2.6.5 persists. I didn't try any of
> the acpi kernel-parameters.
>See attached config for 2.6.5 for details.
>Any ideas?
Recently I've had to change the multiplier in gkrellm to reduce it by
a div/10 to get the correct reading. I've no idea how to make
sensors see the new, multiplied by 10 readings correctly, I cannot
make it run with later 2.6 kernels.
For gkrellm-2.1.28, the .28 version is needed by later kernels anyway,
use the default, it apparently already corrects for this with its
1.000 multiplier. 2.1.24, when it worked, had to have a multiplier
of 0.1000.
But join the 70C club, that AMD athlon keeps itself at a medium simmer
full time. Mine has been running 67-72C for 3 years now. Strangly,
shutting down setiathome doesn't cool it by more than a couple
degrees C. And, its got a $50 all copper Glaciator cooler on it,
heavy heavy heavy.
Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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99.22% setiathome rank, not too shabby for a WV hillbilly attornies please note, additions to this message
by Gene Heskett are:
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