Re: kernel stack challenge
From: Robin Rosenberg
Date: Tue Apr 06 2004 - 18:47:53 EST
On Wednesday 07 April 2004 01:32, Sergiy Lozovsky wrote:
> --- viro@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> > Whether it's commonly-used or not, there's another
> > killer problem with LISP -
> > it's fragmented worse than even Pascal.
> Can I have more details? All LISPs I know manage
> memory by themselves as well as the one I use. They
> allocate memory pool, create a list of free cells in
> it and that's it. What is the problem? Yes, cells in
> the free list are not contiguous, it's a list.
Not memory fragmentation, language definition fragmentation.
There is no language called "LISP" (except the original). There are several
dozen strains with slighly or very different syntax, scope rules and other
variations. LISP1.5, MacLisp, Emacs Lisp, AutoLisp, Common Lisp, Scheme to
mention a very few of the more known species, and most of these come in
different dialects.
-- robin
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