Guys, gals,What you are talking about is a LISP machine micro-kernel in Ring0 which sort of defeats the whole point of Linux being monolithic kernel. Also couldn't we just run HURD, or for that matter EMACS ;-), as a kernel. I, personally have come around to Linus point of view on the whole micro-kernel thing so I don't see much of a advantage to this, as there are other micro kernel projects ( HURD, Darwin/*BSD?).
you are all missing the point.
It is obvious that what we really need is a hand-optimized in-kernel
core LISP machine written in >i386 assembly, then we need to port the
rest of the kernel to run as LISP bytecode on top of that in ring1 (in
particular the security policies).
Of course, important privileged user-space such as glibc should be
ported to this highly efficient non-recursive LISP machine too for
efficiency and run on ring 2 for speed and security.