Re: A puzzling thing about RAID5: syslogd write the log success but another process can not read the /var/log/messages

From: Neil Brown
Date: Wed Apr 07 2004 - 18:14:34 EST

On Wednesday April 7, lmb@xxxxxxx wrote:
> On 2004-04-07T21:24:01,
> Gewj <geweijin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> said:
> > hammm,tonight is funny because I got a puzzling thing just as....
> >
> > my setup is a two-scsi-disk raid5 configuration...
> Impossible. RAID5 requires at least three disks.

Wrong. RAID5 works fine with just two drives. Try it.


(I admit that there isn't a lot of point doing raid5 with two drives
as raid1 should provide identical functionality with better
performance, but it makes an interesting base-line for performances
tests on N-drive arrays).

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