RE: [BUG][2.6.5 final][e100/ee100pro] NETDEV_WATCHDOG Timeout -Related to i2c interface?
From: Shawn Starr
Date: Sun Apr 11 2004 - 15:12:53 EST
Ok, this is strange, I put in an external 10/100 PRO S Adaptor, and im not
getting anymore eth0 timeouts, I would only get eth0 timeouts on the ONBOARD
nic if I enabled the lm80 sensor driver.. I don't know what to say, the
onboard nic would work fine without lm80 being loaded?
Is there some sort of race condition that the onboard 10/100 PRO is doing ?
I'm confused
-----Original Message-----
From: Len Brown [mailto:len.brown@xxxxxxxxx]
Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 04:22 AM
To: Shawn Starr
Subject: RE: [BUG][2.6.5 final][e100/ee100pro] NETDEV_WATCHDOG Timeout
-Related to i2c interface?
it could be that i2c is hooked up to the NIC for some management purpose --
maybe Scott knows.
On Sun, 2004-04-11 at 03:32, Shawn Starr wrote:
> No, something else is causing problem, don't know why i2c is?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brown, Len [mailto:len.brown@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 01:22 AM
> To: Shawn Starr
> Subject: RE: [BUG][2.6.5 final][e100/ee100pro] NETDEV_WATCHDOG Timeout -
> Related to i2c interface?
> So ACPI enabled/disabled doesn't make any difference?
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Shawn Starr [mailto:shawn.starr@xxxxxxxxxx]
> >Sent: Saturday, April 10, 2004 2:23 AM
> >To: Feldman, Scott; Brown, Len
> >Cc: linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; netdev@xxxxxxxxxxx
> >Subject: [BUG][2.6.5 final][e100/ee100pro] NETDEV_WATCHDOG
> >Timeout - Related to i2c interface?
> >
> >
> >Ok, did disable ACPI but still get these errors. I have noticed that
> >if I start loading/unloading any i2c drivers I start getting eth0
> >timeouts....the
> >question is why?
> >
> >coredump kernel: i2c_adapter i2c-2: Transaction (post): CNT=08,
> >CMD=3a,
> >ADD=50, DAT0=3e, DAT1=00 Apr 10 01:56:44 coredump kernel: i2c-core:
> >unregister_driver - looking for
> >clients.
> >Apr 10 01:56:44 coredump kernel: i2c_adapter i2c-2: examining adapter
> >Apr 10 01:56:44 coredump kernel: i2c-core.o: detaching client lm80:
> >Apr 10 01:56:44 coredump kernel: i2c-core.o: detaching client lm80:
> >Apr 10 01:56:44 coredump kernel: i2c-core: driver unregistered: lm80
> >Apr 10 01:56:48 coredump kernel: i2c_adapter i2c-2: Adapter
> >unregistered
> >Apr 10 01:56:48 coredump kernel: i2c_adapter i2c-2: adapter
> >unregistered
> >Apr 10 01:56:55 coredump kernel: eth0: wait_for_cmd_done timeout!
> >Apr 10 01:56:55 coredump kernel: Command 00ff never accepted
> >(201 polls)!
> >Apr 10 01:56:55 coredump kernel: Command 0006 was not accepted
> >after 20001
> >polls! Current status ffffffff.
> >Apr 10 01:56:55 coredump kernel: Command 00ff never accepted
> >(201 polls)!
> >Apr 10 01:56:55 coredump kernel: Command 0060 was not accepted
> >after 20001
> >polls! Current status ffffffff.
> >Apr 10 01:56:55 coredump kernel: eth0: wait_for_cmd_done timeout!
> >Apr 10 01:56:55 coredump kernel: Command 00ff never accepted
> >(201 polls)!
> >Apr 10 01:56:55 coredump kernel: Command 0001 was not accepted
> >after 20001
> >polls! Current status ffffffff.
> >Apr 10 01:56:55 coredump kernel: Command 00ff never accepted
> >(201 polls)!
> >Apr 10 01:56:56 coredump kernel: Command 0070 was not accepted
> >after 20001
> >polls! Current status ffffffff.
> >Apr 10 01:56:56 coredump kernel: eth0: wait_for_cmd_done timeout!
> >Apr 10 01:57:27 coredump last message repeated 26 times
> >Apr 10 01:57:29 coredump last message repeated 3 times
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Feldman, Scott [mailto:scott.feldman@xxxxxxxxx]
> >Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 02:31 PM
> >To: Brown, Len; Shawn Starr
> >Subject: RE: [BUG][2.6.5 final][e100] NETDEV_WATCHDOG Timeout
> >- Was not a
> >problem with 2.6.5-rc3
> >
> >
> >> >Shawn, try turning off ACPI for interrupt routing. Load the
> >> >kernel
> >> >with the kernel parameter "noapci" set.
> >>
> >> You mean "acpi=off", or "pci=noacpi". If either of these fix the
> >> problem, please let me know. (and send me the dmesg and
> >> /proc/interrupts for both cases)
> >
> >Yes, sorry. Can't believe I posted that to lkml. Oh well.
> >
> >-scott
> >
> >
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