Fragmentation issue
From: krupa
Date: Tue Apr 13 2004 - 00:33:05 EST
Anybody.........could you help me.
Steps followed.
1. insmod module.o // inserting module
2. iwconfig eth1 essid <access point> // associating with AP
3. iwconfig eth1 frag 512 // setting fragmentation
4. ping <ip of access point> -s 700
The problem here is ..............when I ping to that AP with packect size
more that Frag value,69 packets it will send then it will hang.
How to overcome this
----- Original Message -----
From: "Shawn Starr" <shawn.starr@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: "'Jeff Garzik'" <jgarzik@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "'Len Brown'" <len.brown@xxxxxxxxx>; <linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>;
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2004 10:46 AM
Subject: RE: [BUG][2.6.5 final][e100/ee100pro] NETDEV_WATCHDOG
Timeout -Related to i2c interface?
> Might be, I have since not had any issues with timeouts. Though, I don't
> know where it is doing this. It is an IBM machine so some things are
> proprietary.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Garzik
> Sent: Sunday, April 11, 2004 05:02 PM
> To: Shawn Starr
> Cc: 'Len Brown'; linux-kernel@; netdev@
> Subject: Re: [BUG][2.6.5 final][e100/ee100pro] NETDEV_WATCHDOG Timeout
> -Related to i2c interface?
> Shawn Starr wrote:
> > Ok, this is strange, I put in an external 10/100 PRO S Adaptor, and im
> > not getting anymore eth0 timeouts, I would only get eth0 timeouts on
> > the ONBOARD nic if I enabled the lm80 sensor driver.. I don't know
> > what to say, the onboard nic would work fine without lm80 being
> > loaded?
> >
> > Is there some sort of race condition that the onboard 10/100 PRO is
> > doing ?
> If i2c is killing the network, sounds like it's diddling something on
> the motherboard it shouldn't...
> Jeff
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