Re: tcp vulnerability? haven't seen anything on it here...
From: Richard B. Johnson
Date: Wed Apr 21 2004 - 11:14:20 EST
On Wed, 21 Apr 2004, Chris Friesen wrote:
> There has been some discussion about this on the Debian and OpenBSD
> lists, but I haven't seen anything on it here. I know my boss is going
> to hear about this and want more information, so where does Linux stand
> with regards to this?
> Thanks,
> Chris
The vulnerabilities were discussed on US news reports as being
like somebody discovered they could disconnect your electricity
if they had some wire-cutters.
Those guys in the UK just don't have anything else to do! It
seems that they discovered that if you tap-into some network
physical media you could disrupt it! Since it has been taking
so long for IP/V6 to take hold, those proponents claim that
it will be a solution. Me-thinks it's a solution waiting for
a problem. The IP/V6 folks want to force (using government and
industry FUD) to discontinue IP/V4 as a "security risk!!!"
Dick Johnson
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