Re: [PATCH] Blacklist binary-only modules lying about their license
From: Junio C Hamano
Date: Tue Apr 27 2004 - 16:18:31 EST
>>>>> "PM" == Paulo Marques <pmarques@xxxxxxxxxxxx> writes:
PM> The way I see it, they know a C string ends with a '\0'. This is like
PM> saying that a English sentence ends with a dot. If they wrote "GPL\0"
PM> they are effectively saying that the license *is* GPL period.
PM> So, where the source code? :)
I do not know if their having "GPL\0" in their object makes it
under GPL, but even if it did, I do not think they have any
obligation to give us the source. GPL says "You may do such and
such provided if you do so and so" but that is all about the
Licensee. It does not talk anything about what the copyright
holder may, may not, nor must do :).
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