Re: [PATCH] clarify message and give support contact for non-GPL modules
From: Paul Rolland
Date: Sun May 02 2004 - 08:07:12 EST
I'm definitely no native English speaker, but I wanted to give my pov
on this topic...
> > Understood. So perhaps we should call it "open" and
> "proprietary" which
> > are clear, well known words. "tainted" is honestly
> confusing/hard to
> > understand for many ordinary users, especially
> international/non-native
> > speakers who do not encounter the word that often (thankfully ;-).
> No. It's tainted. And hopefully if the user is concerned or
Agreed. Once you have loaded such a module, your kernel is really
"tainted" by something that cannot really be controlled.
Proprietary is too much neutral and doesn't reflect what you are
now running : some piece of code which may by bloated without anyone
being able to control it.
> Linux is an open source operating system. There is nothing wrong with
> promoting and protecting the code and license.
> I've been looking at the latest version of the patch and
> thinking that it is really
> wrong for any message to be displayed only once. If the
> user is unfortunate
> enough to be loading two or more closed-source modules, the second
> module should not be hidden by the first. The author of the
> second module
> should not have their name hidden just because another module
> was loaded first.
Agreed too.
This patch should make its way in the kernel, so that people are
aware they are using closed-source code.
I simply hope that some "vendors" will not alter kernel code before
building to remove such a warning if they include closed source
module in their distro.
Paul Rolland, rol(at)
ex-AS2917 Network administrator and Peering Coordinator
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