Re: [PATCH] clarify message and give support contact for non-GPLmodules
From: Sean Estabrooks
Date: Sun May 02 2004 - 10:47:23 EST
On Sun, 2 May 2004 11:35:37 -0400
Marc Boucher <marc@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> There will always be things in life that cannot be controlled. The
> kernel already depends on (by being called by, or itself calling)
> uncontrolled proprietary code in many environments without telling
> users about it. Informing people about this is perfectly ok,
> unnecessarily scaring or confusing them is not.
> Very good point. You can make things as negative-sounding, politically
> hostile as you want, but Linux distribution vendors would be perfectly
> free under the GPL to modify the kernel to remove or attenuate
> exaggerated messages and any other hostile measures if necessary.
Yes. You're right.
> If the messages are reasonable and clear, no-one will want/try to
> remove or avoid them, and people will be properly informed.
That is what the latest patch attempts to do while still making sure
that users are not fooled into thinking they're running an open
source operating system.
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