Re: Problems with radeonfb
From: Kronos
Date: Sun May 16 2004 - 12:23:45 EST
Il Sun, May 16, 2004 at 06:32:51PM +0200, Sven Wilhelm ha scritto:
> >You compiled in both radeon drivers. The old driver is complaining that
> >the PCI device is already taken by something else. Use only one driver.
> yes I did, but I thought the kernel would decide which driver to use.
PCI drivers claim for themselves a range of IDs (.id_table in struct
pci_driver). A driver cannot "take over" another one, so when the old
radeonfb tries to register itself for the same ID of the new radeonfb it
gets an error.
Se il destino di un uomo e` annegare, anneghera` anche in un bicchier
Proverbio yddish
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