Bug in 2.6.6 process accounting w/ small repetitive timeslice
From: michael private
Date: Fri May 21 2004 - 14:57:09 EST
Dear Kernel Gods,
In a program which runs a repetitive processing task
followed by nanosleep or a pthread_cond_timedwait, if
the processing task load is completed and the sleep
state is entered in less than 1 jiffy (OS tick), there
is no charge made to the process for CPU utilization
under 2.6.6.
The CPU utilization, or lack thereof, can be observed
with times(2), clock(3), or procps tools like top.
Under 2.4.20, normal CPU utilization is reported.
Both test boxes are dual processor XEON's running at
2.8 Ghz with hyperthreading enabled. The 2.4.20 box
was built with HZ set to 1000, and both the low
latency and pre-emption patch (assuming low latency
and pre-emption was not the default -- will look this
up further on request). The 2.6.6 box is running with
the stock settings.
Below is a small test program which shows the
differening behavior for 2.4.20 and 2.6.6. At the
bottom are run results.
The program runs a test load for approximately 0.5
milliseconds, followed by a call to nanosleep for 0.4
milliseconds. Note that the wakeup from nanosleep is
automatically scheduled for two ticks in the future on
2.4.20, and for either 2 or three ticks into the
future on 2.6.6, as has been discussed in other
threads. Hence, each loop has a 1/2 tick load
followed by a sleep period of 1.5 to 2.5 ticks. This
combination of testload followed by nanosleep is run
1000 times. The printout shows the results from
times() and clock() -- nothing charged after 1000
loops for 2.6.6, while 0.5 seconds charged after 1000
loops for 2.4.20.
To calibrate the runload loop, adjust the constant
millisec smaller for machines with a slower clock
cycle, i.e. 100000 works for a 2.8 Ghz xeon, probably
25000 will work for a 700 Mhz PIII machine. Set
adjust this until the "Benchmark" runs in 1/2 second,
and then you should get similar results.
Thank you god collectively.
-Mike, Humble Supplicant
//compile with gcc -lrt test.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/times.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <time.h>
void runload();
double mSec = 1e6;
double millisec = 100000; //this constant
appropriate on 2.8 Ghz Xeon
inline double doubleTime()
double t;
struct timespec ts;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);
t = (double) ts.tv_sec + (1e-9) * (double)
typedef struct tStruct
double t;
clock_t clockt;
struct tms tms;
void setT(TSTRUCT *ts)
ts->clockt = clock();
ts->t = doubleTime();
void printDt(char * msg, int id, TSTRUCT *t1, TSTRUCT
const double k = 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
const double k2 = 0.01;
double dclock_t1, dclock_t2;
printf("%s(%d) t1=%f t2=%f dt=%f\n", msg, id,
dclock_t1 = t1->clockt * k;
dclock_t2 = t2->clockt * k;
printf("%s(%d) dct1=%f dct2=%f dcdt=%f\n", msg,
id, dclock_t1,dclock_t2,dclock_t2-dclock_t1);
printf("%s(%d) ut1=%f ut2=%f dut=%f\n", msg, id,
t1->tms.tms_utime*k2, t2->tms.tms_utime*k2,
k2*(t2->tms.tms_utime - t1->tms.tms_utime));
printf("%s(%d) st1=%f st2=%f dst=%f\n", msg, id,
t1->tms.tms_stime*k2, t2->tms.tms_stime*k2,
k2*(t2->tms.tms_stime - t1->tms.tms_stime));
TSTRUCT t1, t2;
struct timespec nSleep;
int i,j = 0;
runload((int) (500.0 * millisec));
printDt("BenchMark", 0, &t1, &t2);
nSleep.tv_sec = 0;
nSleep.tv_nsec = 0.4 * mSec;
for (i=0; i<1000; ++i)
runload((int) (0.5 * millisec));
nanosleep(&nSleep, NULL);
printDt("1000 .5 mS runs", j, &t1, &t2);
j = j + 1;
void runload(int count)
int i;
double x = -14400;
for (i=0; i<count; ++i)
x += 2*i;
On 2.6.6 Box
BenchMark(0) t1=1085156944.775533 t2=1085156945.283144
BenchMark(0) dct1=0.000000 dct2=0.500000 dcdt=0.500000
BenchMark(0) ut1=0.000000 ut2=0.500000 dut=0.500000
BenchMark(0) st1=0.000000 st2=0.000000 dst=0.000000
1000 .5 mS runs(0) t1=1085156945.283247
t2=1085156947.885763 dt=2.602516
1000 .5 mS runs(0) dct1=0.500000 dct2=0.510000
1000 .5 mS runs(0) ut1=0.500000 ut2=0.510000
1000 .5 mS runs(0) st1=0.000000 st2=0.000000
1000 .5 mS runs(1) t1=1085156947.885794
t2=1085156950.885107 dt=2.999313
1000 .5 mS runs(1) dct1=0.510000 dct2=0.510000
1000 .5 mS runs(1) ut1=0.510000 ut2=0.510000
1000 .5 mS runs(1) st1=0.000000 st2=0.000000
1000 .5 mS runs(2) t1=1085156950.885139
t2=1085156953.347563 dt=2.462424
1000 .5 mS runs(2) dct1=0.510000 dct2=0.510000
1000 .5 mS runs(2) ut1=0.510000 ut2=0.510000
1000 .5 mS runs(2) st1=0.000000 st2=0.000000
1000 .5 mS runs(3) t1=1085156953.347586
t2=1085156955.347127 dt=1.999541
1000 .5 mS runs(3) dct1=0.510000 dct2=0.510000
1000 .5 mS runs(3) ut1=0.510000 ut2=0.510000
1000 .5 mS runs(3) st1=0.000000 st2=0.000000
On 2.4.20 Box
BenchMark(0) t1=1085156916.233624 t2=1085156916.704806
BenchMark(0) dct1=0.000000 dct2=0.450000 dcdt=0.450000
BenchMark(0) ut1=0.000000 ut2=0.450000 dut=0.450000
BenchMark(0) st1=0.000000 st2=0.000000 dst=0.000000
1000 .5 mS runs(0) t1=1085156916.704942
t2=1085156918.718239 dt=2.013297
1000 .5 mS runs(0) dct1=0.450000 dct2=1.090000
1000 .5 mS runs(0) ut1=0.450000 ut2=1.090000
1000 .5 mS runs(0) st1=0.000000 st2=0.000000
1000 .5 mS runs(1) t1=1085156918.718296
t2=1085156920.721021 dt=2.002725
1000 .5 mS runs(1) dct1=1.090000 dct2=1.490000
1000 .5 mS runs(1) ut1=1.090000 ut2=1.490000
1000 .5 mS runs(1) st1=0.000000 st2=0.000000
1000 .5 mS runs(2) t1=1085156920.721129
t2=1085156922.725788 dt=2.004659
1000 .5 mS runs(2) dct1=1.490000 dct2=1.810000
1000 .5 mS runs(2) ut1=1.490000 ut2=1.810000
1000 .5 mS runs(2) st1=0.000000 st2=0.000000
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