Re: x86_64 and ioctls from 32 bit userland
From: Richard B. Johnson
Date: Fri May 21 2004 - 18:10:14 EST
On Fri, 21 May 2004, Stephen Cameron wrote:
> Hi, a question about x86_64 and ioctls coming in from 32-bit
> userland.
> I found this document describing 32-bit ioctls on 64 bit archs,
> but, it is from July of 2002, so I'm not sure it's up to date.
> Should I look somewhere else?
> Also, if my userland process passes in an ioctl data structure
> and that data structure in turn contains ontains a 32 bit pointer
> to another data buffer within that process' address space
> the kernel needs to copy in/oot, how can that be handled?
> Can it be handled?
> Thanks,
> -- steve
Yes. The user-mode 32-bit pointer within a structure is no different
than passing a 32-bit user-mode pointer as the third parameter to
an ioctl(fd, WHAT, ptr).
Dick Johnson
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