Re: Linux 2.4 VS 2.6 fork VS thread creation time test
From: David Lang
Date: Sun May 23 2004 - 05:02:22 EST
On Sun, 23 May 2004, Christian Borntraeger wrote:
> Date: Sun, 23 May 2004 11:39:41 +0200
> From: Christian Borntraeger <linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> To: linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Cc: Gergely Czuczy <phoemix@xxxxxxxxxxx>, itk-sysadm@xxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: Linux 2.4 VS 2.6 fork VS thread creation time test
> Gergely Czuczy wrote:
> > failed. As I told it above all the processes are teminated right after
> > creation, but there were a lot of defunct processes in the system, and
> > they were only gone when the parent termineted.
> Have you heard of wait, waitpid and pthread_join?
there really is some sort of problem with 2.6.6 in this area. I have an
app that I am trying to stress test on a dual opteron system and under a
heavy load something goes haywire and the children become zombies. on a
dual athlon the test manages 2500 forks/sec and can continue forever (Ok,
I only tested it to 11M forks at full speed :-), but the dual opteron box
manages 3500 connections/sec for a few thousand connections and then stops
reaping the children. if I attach strace to the parent at this point the
logjam is broken and strace shows the wait calls receiving and handleing
the sigchild
the prarent deals with sigchild by
while ( wait(...) >0);
signal(SIGCHLD, handler);
unfortunantly trying to leave strace attached while running the test slows
it down to ~1200 forks/sec and the problem never forms.
David Lang
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