Re: Select/Poll

From: Vadim Lobanov
Date: Wed Jun 02 2004 - 02:07:59 EST

On Tue, 1 Jun 2004 jyotiraditya@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Hello All,
> In one of the threads named: "Linux's implementation of poll() not
> scalable?'
> Linus has stated the following:
> **************
> Neither poll() nor select() have this problem: they don't get more
> expensive as you have more and more events - their expense is the number
> of file descriptors, not the number of events per se. In fact, both poll()
> and select() tend to perform _better_ when you have pending events, as
> they are both amenable to optimizations when there is no need for waiting,
> and scanning the arrays can use early-out semantics.
> **************
> Please help me understand the above.. I'm using select in a server to read
> on multiple FDs and the clients are dumping messages (of fixed size) in a
> loop on these FDs and the server maintainig those FDs is not able to get all
> the messages.. Some of the last messages sent by each client are lost.
> If the number of clients and hence the number of FDs (in the server) is
> increased the loss of data is proportional.
> eg: 5 clients send messages (100 each) to 1 server and server receives
> 96 messages from each client.
> 10 clients send messages (100 by each) to 1 server and server again
> receives 96 from each client.
> If a small sleep in introduced between sending messages the loss of data
> decreases.
> Also please explain the algorithm select uses to read messages on FDs and
> how does it perform better when number of FDs increases.
> Thanks and Regards,
> Jyotiraditya

I think everyone else already hit on the main points of UDP, so I'll pass
on to the second question. :)

I believe that there is some confusion between the phrases "events" and
"FDs". As far as I know, both poll() and select() scale O(n) (in other
words, linearly) with the number of watched FDs, but scale O(1) (in other
words, no effect) with the number of received events. Let's put this into
more concrete terms:

Suppose you select/poll on an array of 100 FDs, which currently have no
pending events. What the kernel will do for you, in essence, is go into an
infinite loop, querying each of the 100 FDs in turn, whether it has
received new events or not. If one of those has received an event, then
select/poll will return that FD. But in the end, it reduces to a simple
loop over the FDs to determine when events arrive, and it is exactly this
loop that gives it O(n) behavior.

However, if by the time that select/poll are called, there are already
pending events upon the FD set, then that syscall can return immediately
with the events already present. In this case, you will not need to begin
looping over the FDs, and hence you will not observe the O(n) behavior.
Notice that this favorable scenario is more likely to occur when you have
more events coming in. I think that this is what Linus meant when he said
that select/poll like to have events waiting, for a faster return time.

As a very quick and very much simplistic summary, for select/poll, the
more incoming events you get, and the less FDs you watch, the better off
you are. But in your case, I do not think you have to worry about
scalability much. If you _really_ want to, however, check epoll - should
be standardized on the 2.6.x kernels (though my glibc still has VERY big
issues with it).

And as a final word, I have no doubts that someone out there who is more
knowledgeable can correct me wherever it may be needed. Such corrections
are welcome, since I get to learn something new in that case. :)


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