Re: keyboard problem with 2.6.6
From: Vojtech Pavlik
Date: Sun Jun 06 2004 - 07:10:53 EST
On Sun, Jun 06, 2004 at 11:37:41AM +0200, Sau Dan Lee wrote:
> >>>>> "Valdis" == Valdis Kletnieks <Valdis.Kletnieks@xxxxxx> writes:
> >> You don't tell any kernel about that... it is the bootloader
> >> you are talking to. And that one may very well have integrated
> >> kbd support.
> Valdis> So GRUB knows about keyboards, lets you type in the
> Valdis> "init=/bin/bash", it loads the kernel, the kernel launches
> Valdis> init, /bin/bash gets loaded
> If init can launch /bin/bash (actually, it lauches getty in most
> setups), why can't it start the userland keyboard driver daemon?
> Back in the old days before the introduction of /etc/rc.d/, every
> daemon was started from by init.
At the risk of being flamed, here is an explanation.
If you, at the kernel command line, type "init=/bin/bash", the bash
shell will be used _instead_ of the regular init program. This is very
useful when you made a mistake in the inittab, something deleted your
root entry in passwd/shadow, your filesystem is in trouble and in many
other cases.
This also means that there will be no other program run before or after
bash. All you get is a prompt.
This means the keyboard will have to work without any setup - or you
won't be able to type in anything, like a command to run the daemon, or
a command to insert a module.
Vojtech Pavlik
SuSE Labs, SuSE CR
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