GFS cluster filesystem re-released
From: Ken Preslan
Date: Thu Jun 24 2004 - 17:59:10 EST
I'd like to announce that Red Hat has re-released the GFS cluster
filesystem and its related infrastructure under the GPL. The
different projects that make up the infrastructure are:
GFS - shared-disk cluster file system
CLVM - clustering extensions to the LVM2 logical volume manager toolset
CMAN - general-purpose symmetric cluster manager
DLM - general-purpose distributed lock manager
CCS - cluster configuration system to manage the cluster config file
GULM - alternative redundant server-based lock/cluster manager for GFS
GNBD - network block device driver shares storage over a network
Fence - I/O fencing system
The source code and patches for 2.6 are available at 2.4 source should show up early
We're looking for people help us work on this project so we can
eventually get it included into the Linux kernel. Comments,
suggestions, patches, and testers are more than welcome.
Ken Preslan <kpreslan@xxxxxxxxxx>
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