Re: Elastic Quota File System (EQFS)
From: Pavel Machek
Date: Fri Jun 25 2004 - 16:45:56 EST
> > > Case closed, anyway. It belongs in the kernel only if there is no
> > > reasonable way to do it in userspace.
> >
> > But... there's no reasonable way to do this in userspace.
> Let's see...
> > Two pieces of kernel support are needed:
> >
> > 1) some way to indicate "this file is elastic" (okay perhaps xattrs
> > can do this already)
> Or just a list of elastic files in ~/.elastic. Even better, could mark them
> as "Just delete", "compress"; could go as far as giving (fallback?) globs
> to select files for each treatment ("If space gets tight, delete *~ files,
> and compress *.tex that haven't been read in a week"). Sounds like a fun
> Perl project...
.elastic is ugly but okay.
> > and either
> >
> > 2a) file selection/deletion in kernel
> A daemon or cron job running as root can do that just fine. Or you can set
> it up for your own files.
If I make it cron job once an hour, users will still get -ENOSPC for
up-to hour. You can make it down to second, but you'll still get
-ENOSPC from time to time. If you want to eliminate -ENOSPC
altogether, you'll delete file from kernel just before returning
-ENOSPC and retry operation.
> > 2b) assume that disk does not fill up faster than 1GB/sec, allways
> > keep 1GB free, make "deleting" daemon poll each second [ugly,
> > unreliable]
> Buy a larger disk. Make sure sum of all hard quotas is less than filesystem
> size. Need that anyway; so it reduces to a one-user problem with per-user
> solutions.
Well, having sum of all hard quotas > filesystem size was point of
this excersize...
> > BTW 2c) would be also usefull for undelete. Unfortunately 2c looks
> > very complex, too; it might be easier to do 2a than 2c.
> As said, all this buys very little for a lot of hairy code in the kernel,
> which will be rarely used (and whose bugs will show up when it is badly
> needed to work right). Besides, I strongly oppose automatic file
It may be little gain for lots of effort. I'm just trying to say that
it is not complete nonsense.
I guess we are basically agreeing with each other... It may make nice
student project, and if patch is very non-intrusive, I guess its
okay. If it turns to be hairy, its not worth bothering.
> that, so you have no right to know", no "undelete deleted files, but only
> sometimes; it just might still be around, but if space got tight it isn't"
> (this is even worse...))
Well, few times I wished unix had undelete... It actually *has* one,
and its called power button if you are realize your mistake within 5
People were complaining that M$ turns users into beta-testers...
...jr ghea gurz vagb qrirybcref, naq gurl frrz gb yvxr vg gung jnl!
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