Re: 2.6.7-ck2 (was Re: 2.6.7-ck1)
From: Prakash K. Cheemplavam
Date: Fri Jun 25 2004 - 17:20:07 EST
Prakash K. Cheemplavam wrote:
like in the other thread, I also think there is something fishy about
staircase 7.4.
Revertung to staircase 7.3 (on ck1) it seems to be ok.
After some further tests I am not sure anymore about this. I did a
recompile of xine-lib using staircase 7.3. At first everything seems to
be normal, but nearly at the end of the compile, the system started to
get into this blocking state:
I wnated to start a kedit and a konsole, but it took forever. Only afer
the compile was done and the package actually gets emerge, both windows
showed up. Hmmm, so I revert to staircase 7.1 and check it out...
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