Re: 2.6.x signal handler bug
From: Steve G
Date: Sat Jun 26 2004 - 09:34:35 EST
I looked at the test program and do not see anything wrong with the code.
Contrary to what's already been said in this thread, sigsetjmp/siglongjmp only
differ in that they restore the signal context. This should never cause a
Regarding re-entrancy, longjmp is stated as one of only 2 ways to exit signal
handlers. Also, while the printf is not signal safe, it is not your problem
either. BTW, this mechanism is used by some servers to prevent crashes even in
the face of big problems. xinetd for one does its important to have
I ran the test program on my machine under 2.4 and all works as expected. Under
2.6, it definitely segfaults. I tried using Electric Fence and valgrind to trap
the error. Neither one could.
In summary, the program is valid and real world servers do this kind of thing. It
does segfault under 2.6.
Hope this helps...
-Steve Grubb
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