Re: Nice 19 process still gets some CPU
From: Benoît Dejean
Date: Tue Jun 29 2004 - 01:27:31 EST
Le lun, 28/06/2004 Ã 11:14 -0400, Timothy Miller a Ãcrit :
> I would expect that nice 0 processes should get SO MUCH more than nice
> 19 processes that the nice 19 process would practically starve (and in
> the case of a nice 19 process, I think starvation by nice 0 processes is
> just fine), but it looks like it's not starving.
when i was running seti@home (more than 10k WU, 7y), i was using a a
home-maid script that controled the seti process. when load > <value> i
was stopping seti (SIGSTOP) then, when load <value>, i was restarting it
(SIGCONT). i was using a kind of fuzzy logic to prevent from too
frequent switchs and i was polling the 3 loads to make a efficient
decision. that way, i was able to get 100% of my cpu when it was
needed : while playing quake or comipiling a big stuff.
BenoÃt Dejean
JID: TazForEver@xxxxxxxxxx
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