Parentage of BPF code in Linux
From: John Sage
Date: Thu Jul 01 2004 - 13:11:50 EST
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WRT to the SCO/IBM/Linux imbroglio, there was an interesting assertion
made on the Yahoo! Finance message board for SCOX, and I wondered if
anyone could shed some light.
The assertion is this:
"...among other things, the Berkeley Packet Filter code, which was
written by an independent developer for the Missouri School District,
licensed under the BSD license terms that never was part of SysV at
any time..."
When I made reference to man 4 bpf not mentioning anything/anyone
other than Carnegie-Mellon, Stanford, and LBL, I was corrected and
told that the OP was refering to the BPF code within Linux, even
though that was done without mentioning Linux specifically :-/
Is this a true assertion: that "..the BPF code [in Linux] was
written..for the Missouri School District [sic]"?
- John
10 print "Home"
20 print "Sweet"
30 goto 10
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