Re: 2.6.7: sk98lin unload oops
From: Bernd Schubert
Date: Sun Jul 04 2004 - 17:02:47 EST
> Sorry, it's for Linus' current BK tree. I've attached three files that
> you should be able to just copy over your regular 2.6.7 tree:
Thanks, this driver compiles fine.
[from your other mail]
> the previous one) makes it work unless you change the interface name
> manually, but as Linux explicitly allows that the interface is
> fundamentally broken and probably should just go away.
Unfortunality we rename all interfaces using ifrename to make sure that the
interface names won't change with different kernel versions (we have this
problem when we switch between 2.4. and 2.6.). So it is normal that the oops
occurs on unloading the modules?
Btw, on 22th June I got another skge.c patch from Herbert Xu to fix another
This patch applies fine on top of your new versions (with 400 lines offset),
maybe this patch should also be included into the current BK tree?
Thanks a lot,
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