Re: desktop and multimedia as an afterthought?

From: Mark Hahn
Date: Mon Jul 12 2004 - 14:13:35 EST

> I could be wrong, but it seems to me that at least a part of the kernel
> development team has the desktop and multimedia issues very low on the
> priority list.

no, that implies that desktop/media is somehow opposed to other development.
that's the real issue: is there some reason to believe that this opposition
exists, that tuning for desktop/media is tuning away from other serverish
uses? people like Linus want to push the agenda that the same kernel can
do both, until there's some definitive proof otherwise.

> The CK patches floated around as separate patches for a long time, even
> though they brought significant improvements to the kernel w.r.t.
> desktop and media.

how do you show this? measured how, under what load, with what benefits?

> And rightly so. If i reboot my computer into Windows and perform the
> same multimedia tasks, there are fewer chances of it skipping frames or

this normally shows only that windows drivers are better.

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